Or A Different Kind Of Journey

Music Poster/Vinyl Packaging Design

phantasmagoria or a different kind of journey music vinyl packaging


Eivind Aarset is a Norwegian guitarist and composer who is known for his innovative blend of electronic jazz and experimental soundscapes. My goal for this project was to promote Eivind Aarset’s album, “Phantasmagoria or a Different Kind of Journey,” through a captivating poster and vinyl packaging design.

phantasmagoria or a different kind of journey vinyl sleeve packaging close up
phantasmagoria or a different kind of journey back cover of the vinyl packaging showcasing the trackless
phantasmagoria or a different kind of journey poster


For 15 weeks, I immersed myself in the sounds of “Phantasmagoria or a Different Kind of Journey.” I embarked on a journey of exploration where this album’s weekly rotation played a big role in my design process. With a target audience open to experimental ideas, I aimed to create promotional materials that not only intrigued but also compelled the audience. I dissected the album through different mediums such as paint, ink, photography and 3D materials. The process unfolded organically, which brought focus to abstract visuals found in my photography.

phantasmagoria or a different kind of journey poster mockup


I am very satisfied with the result of this creative journey. From posters and vinyls to digital ads, this exploration encourages adaptability across different mediums. The promotional materials go beyond ads; they open doors to Aarset’s music. The overall design captures Aarset’s essence, drawing in curiosity and adventure.

phantasmagoria or a different kind of journey social media applications for instagram

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